Add the Sprint Reading Certification.
Teach others to Sprint Read!
Doubling their reading speed. As a certified instructor you can coach or do group training. Add for $597
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What you'll get:
Earn a big income teaching memory courses
Teach for your school, organization, church or businesses will hire you
You learn the most when you teach, become a true memory expert and memory master
Discover at the deepest levels how world champion memory experts memorize and learn to teach others
Become a memory coach charging hundreds of dollars per session
Learn to teach others to trust their memory
Help others reduce anxiety for test taking and school work
Speakers and trainers add another topic to your qualifications to teach. This means more speaking and training engagements
Earn super affiliate commissions promoting and selling the Black Belt Memory course
$2,995 Certification Fee – Includes course instruction, certificate, virtual training
Earn and income coaching or training others to unlock their memory potential